Ms. Fairy Dogmother

It's never too late to have the dog of your dreams! 


Your dog is constantly learning, even if you are not training. What behaviors are being learned even when you are not looking? What behaviors are you unintentionally encouraging?  What can you do differently to get the behavior you want? 

Dogs need different and well-practiced behaviors that will give them the answer to the question, “What do I do when…?" If your dog’s current answer to that question is to spiral up and become out of control or reactive, it probably has very few behaviors to choose from in its toolbox. Training helps fill your dog’s behavioral toolbox and provides the skills to make good behavioral choices.

Training directs their energy and teaches them how to be happy family members, confident community citizens, and ultimately, the dog others wish they had!


Private training is a proven and highly effective approach to acquiring new skills. As you and your dog master these skills in a controlled environment, you can gradually introduce new settings and distractions, ensuring a successful and confident transition.

During our sessions, you and your dog receive my focused attention, keeping distractions to a minimum. Each session is customized to work with your dog's unique personality and abilities and your goals.